The groundbreaking ceremony for the chemical institutes and the new technical centre has taken place on the natural sciences campus of the Goethe University. Numerous guests from politics and science celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony in imperial weather. The earthworks on the site, which is located on the southern edge of the slope, have been underway since October 2022. In the first construction phase, the new practical training building with laboratory space above is being built. The technical centre is located underground and serves to supply the entire campus. “The new chemistry building is a long-planned important milestone for the future viability of research, teaching and knowledge transfer at our natural sciences campus. Modern infrastructures are the basic prerequisite for excellent basic research as the basis for innovations at the location, for worldwide networking to strengthen the internationality of the region and for modern teaching to train future specialists,” said University President Professor Dr. Enrico Schleiff, explaining the new building.
From left to right: Thomas Platte, Director of the LBIH, Dr Albrecht Fester, Chancellor of Goethe University, architect Eckhard Gerber, Minister of Science Angela Dorn, Prof. Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University, Minister of Finance Michael Boddenberg.
Photo: Gerber Architekten